Educational Philosophy

Lordland Education Group is an independent private institution of higher learning, organized as a non-profit educational institution under the Lordland Education Group Laws of the State of California. The founding philosophy of Lordland Education Group is to provide education in which its professional undergraduate and graduate degrees in the fields of Theology, Divinity, Mission Medicine, Social Welfare, and Counseling & Psychotherapy equip individuals with a wealth of knowledge.
The quality of the educational experience at Lordland Education Group is fostered by the close human and intellectual relationships between students and faculty, and by the open exchange of ideas. The Lordland Education Group is committed to creating a learning community in which people are valued for the breath of their perspectives and are encouraged in their intellectual pursuits. The Lordland Education Group's instructional programs are designed to challenge students not only to acquire knowledge, but also to develop the skills of critical analysis, careful reasoning, creativity and self-expression. Equally important, students learn to understand and evaluate the sources and methods from which knowledge derives. Thereby, they come to appreciate the contingency of all knowledge and to realize that education is a life-long process. Lordland University's special character emerges from its relatively small size and its commitment to effective teaching, high standards of scholarship, ongoing professional development, and to its policy of promoting high academic standards in the faculty, staff, administration and student population.

Educational Goal

This Lordland Education Group has been pursuing the following systematic goal to fulfill its' own mission.
  • To intend to the highest education to improve the human being's latent
  • To form the right values through Bible that is the standard that the human beings should live on.
  • To cultivate the worldwide persons through the spiritual development and service discipline.
  • To develop the healing service that heals psychological and inner mind's diseases through scientific
  • To create the healthy culture through accumulating the humane acquirements virtues.
  • To cultivate the creative specialists who is preceding the time.

About us

Lordland Group

Contact us


  119 N. Belmont Ave,
  Los Angeles, California 90026
  P.O. Box 70070,
  Los Angeles, CA 90070


  (213) 250-7744,
  (213) 700-0886
  Fax: (213) 250-7745
